Enel Generación Piura donates medical implements to the Carlos Humberto Vivanco Mauricio health center

Published on Thursday, 10 September 2020

  • This initiative will allow the medical staff of the COVID-19 unit at the health center to continue caring for patients affected by the virus in the region.


Piura, September 10th, 2020.  Within the framework of the health emergency and in order to continue strengthening the national health system during the fight against COVID-19, Enel Perú, via Enel Generación Piura, donated medical supplies and individual protection devices to the Health Center Carlos Humberto Vivanco Mauricio de Talara. This initiative will allow the health center to have the necessary implements so that medical personnel can continue caring for patients affected by the virus in the region.

The company delivered 1,000 disposable caps, 50 polycarbonate protective lenses, 50 face shields, 1,000 N95 masks, 500 disposable surgical jackets, 500 disposable pants, 1,000 white anti-fluid overalls, 1,000 disposable surgical aprons, 1,000 gloves, 1,000 disposable face masks, and 1000 humidifying glasses.

This initiative adds to others already carried out by Enel Perú within the framework of the "May our energy never stop" campaign, which aims to support the national health system.

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