Enel Highlights the “Great Potential of All Countries in Latin America”

Published on Wednesday, 17 June 2015

The Italian multinational acknowledged that it plans to invest in this part of the continent.

Milan, 17 June 2015 – Enel CEO Francesco Starace highlighted the “great potential” of “all countries” in Latin America and acknowledged that the Italian multinational plans to invest 9 billion euros in this part of the continent in the next five years.

During a speech at the VII Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference, Starace recalled that the company currently has 18 thousand MW and 15 million customers in South America. He emphasized that Chile and Mexico own extraordinary geothermal resources that are being exploited.

“The average consumption in OECD countries is currently 8,000 kWh, while the average in the Latin American country that consumes the most, Chile, is 3,500 KWh. We see the growth potential of installed capacity in the next ten years”, he added.

Fighting Climate Change

Starace also referred to the problems of climate change and the need to find solutions to prevent its impact worldwide and, in this regard, he stressed the importance of promoting the use of renewable energy.

“Currently, about 20% of renewable resources in the world are in Latin America”, he said.

Finally, he highlighted the need to implement interconnection “between countries and territories”, and considered that local governments should execute policies “to strengthen these interconnections”.

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