Children from Junín Have Better Nutrition and Are Overcoming Anaemia

Published on Friday, 18 December 2015

Lima, 18 December 2015 – Enel Generación Perú’s Comprehensive Health Programme benefits families who have no access to health insurance.

Through the “Promotion of Comprehensive Health and Fight against Child Malnutrition” programme, Enel Generación Perú helps improve children’s live conditions and development in five communities in Junín.

Out of the 145 children from Los Ángeles, Yanayacu, Orquídeas de Pacaybamba, Marancocha and Unión Condorbamba¾communities neighbouring the Chimay hydroelectric power plant¾ the company spotted a target group of 61 children at risk and managed to reduce malnutrition by 57% and anaemia by 80%.

Commitment to the Community

Since 2012, Enel Generación Perú has been constantly working with children aged 0-10 who have no access to health insurance. Thanks to this programme, they get regular check-ups, better school breakfasts, vitamin supplements and greater intake of proteins.

The comprehensive programme includes the construction of five first-aid stations for full-time medical attention and free medication, water and drainage networks and bathrooms in every home, as well as the organisation of health talks and workshops involving parents.

Sustainable Development Award

Thanks to this health programme, Enel Generación Perú was granted the Sustainable Development Award 2015 from the Peruvian Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE), an organisation that seeks to stimulate and promote supportive and responsible management within companies to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities near their premises.

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